Verify Git Commit

  • Environment

    • Currently using Windows 11.
    • Visual Studio 2022 Community is installed.
    • Git is also installed.

While following the steps from Microsoft to initialize a local git repository and push to a newly created git repository on GitHub using Visual Studio, some issues were encountered:

Issue: Visual Studio Repeatedly Requests Credentials ⚠️

Refer to this article. The sign-in options should use “System web browser” instead of the default “embedded browser auth” for “Add and reauthenticate accounts using.”

Issue: Git Commit Failed with Git-Hook Error

Error message: “Your git-hook, ‘gpg,’ is not supported, likely because the first line is not ‘#!/bin/sh’.\r\nSee your administrator for additional assistance.”

When initializing the git repository, a hook for GPG is added. GPG stands for The GNU Privacy Guard. When used on GitHub, it helps “to sign commits associated with your account on GitHub, you can add a public GPG key to your personal account”


Refer to this link. Check if the file C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\gpg.exe exists. By default, Visual Studio should install it. If not, install gpg.exe first.

After installation, add the GPG bin folder (by default C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin) to your %PATH%.

Issue: “Error: cannot spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe: No such file or directory”

Once gpg.exe is installed, set the path of gpg.exe in git config using git config --global gpg.program "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\gpg.exe" to ensure that git can find gpg.

Issue: “gpg: skipped: No secret key”

Error message: “gpg: signing failed: No secret key.” This means there is no GPG secret key. Generating a new GPG key and inform Git about your GPG key.

(Optional) For GitHub Verification, ensure you have:

  1. Verified you email address.

  2. Set your commit email address.

  3. Associated your verified email with your GPG key.

  4. Added GPG key to github.

Then finally, you would got your commit verified.commit verified.